Learn-Software "Excel" -Basic

Learn the basics of "Microsoft Excel", from functions to pivot tables.

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Basic knowledge of “Microsoft Excel”. Turn your work into a puzzle with Excel functions, tables, and pivot tables.


  • ✓ Install “Microsoft Excel ” or use the web app of Excel via cloud storage “Microsoft OneDrive”
  • ✓ The verified environment is here

Official Help

The official help for Microsoft Excel provides simple examples. Reading the help while actually working on it will result in high-quality learning.


Combining keyboard shortcuts feels like solving a puzzle. The more you learn the keyboard shortcuts, the faster your Excel operations will catch up with your thinking. Try not to use the mouse as much as possible.

Sure, here is the translation with the markdown structure preserved:

Edit Mode

Learn to freely enter and exit edit mode. Use F2, Esc, F2+Home,End,,,,


Practice inputting basic functions until your hands move automatically.

Basic Functions

Function-specific Help



Transform data interactively with PivotTables.

Get & Transform (Power Query)

“Get & Transform” is a useful feature for handling data from multiple files or making minor edits.

Macros (VBA)

Macros (VBA) cover things that cannot be achieved with the above functions, but the learning cost is high.


Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet widely used by Japanese companies. If you can incorporate your work into Excel, you can enjoy puzzles even at work.

Spreadsheet is “表計算” (hyou-keisan) in Japanese. “表” (hyou) means table and “計算” (keisan) means calculation.