Install-Software "PowerShell"

Install the latest version of "PowerShell" on Windows.

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Install PowerShell 7 on windows OS.



Introducing the installation method using the package management tool “WinGet .”

Launch Command Prompt or PowerShell with administrator privileges:

  1. START MENU → type cmd or powershell
  2. Click “Run as administrator”

Check the latest version:

winget search Microsoft.PowerShell --exact
Name                ID                            Version  Source
PowerShell          Microsoft.PowerShell  winget
PowerShell Preview  Microsoft.Power Shell.Preview  winget

Install PowerShell by specifying the confirmed ID and Source as follows:

winget install --id Microsoft.PowerShell --source winget --exact


Open the start menu and type pwsh to launch PowerShell 7.

  • START MENU → type pwshEnter
PowerShell 7 launched



A command-line package management tool that operates on the Windows OS. The main tasks of a package management tool include installing software, updating software, and resolving dependencies. The same can be achieved by accessing the software’s distribution site and downloading it.


A software called a command-line shell that operates the computer with strings. The PowerShell to be installed this time is PowerShell Version 7.x. The one that comes pre-installed with Windows OS (Windows 10 and later) is PowerShell Version 5.x.