Learn-Software "PowerShell" -Basic
Learn the basic operations of the shell (command-line interface).
Learn how to control a computer using PowerShell (a command-line interface) This article covers how to type the command in PowerShell, tips, and the commands that I use frequently.
All “shell” operations are performed by typing text called “the command.” Although the operation may be difficult to grasp at first, you will become proficient at it through trial and error. The command operations are the same as those used in daily GUI operations, such as creating, moving, copying, deleting, renaming, starting, and listing files and directories (folders).
- ✓ Install PowerShell
- ✓ Launch PowerShell
- ✓ (Optional) Install Windows Terminal
- ✓ The verified environment is here
Type the Command
Basic Shell Operations
The basic steps to operate the computer by typing commands into the shell are as follows:
- Open the shell: See → Launch-PowerShell
- Type the command: For example, type
- Execute the command: After typing the command, press ENTER
- Check the command output:
- The command execution result is output to the terminal
- If an error occurs, an error message is output
Example: Execute the command “Get-Date ” to get the current date and time.
Sunday, February 16, 2025 4:11:50 PM
Example: Read the help for the PowerShell command “Get-Content ” in a browser.
Get-Help Get-Content -Online
Use Auto-Completion to type the command easier and faster
Although PowerShell command naming conventions are consistently structured as <verb>-<noun>
and intuitively easy to understand, they are long and tedious to type manually. Actively utilize Autocompletion to make command type easier and more accurate.
- Command History
- You can reuse previously typed commands by pressing the ↑ and ↓ keys
- You can get a list of history with the “Get-History
” command
- See → about_History
- Get the path of the history file:
- TAB-Completion
- Type part of the command (or filename) and press TAB
- If there are multiple candidates, pressing TAB → TAB … cycles through the candidates
- Example: Type
→ TAB → completed toGet-Content
Completion (MenuComplete )- Type part of the command (or filename) and press CTRL+SPACE
- Candidates are listed, so use the arrow keys to select and press ENTER
- Example: Type
→ CTRL+SPACE → candidate list is displayed
- PSReadLine Predictive IntelliSense (IntelliSense
- Overview: As you type part of the command (or filename), prediction candidates based on command history, etc. are displayed
- Operation:
- InlineView (Default): accept with → and execute with ENTER
- ListView (Switch with F2): select with ↑, ↓ and execute with ENTER
- Check the settings:
Get-PSReadLineOption | Select-Object -Property PredictionSource
- If it’s other than
(for example,History
), it’s enabled
Use Short Names (Aliases) for Easier command typing
Commands with registered short names (aliases ) can be typed with shorter alternate names.
- How to use aliases in PowerShell
- Search aliases: Use the “Get-Alias ” command to check the registered aliases
- Use aliases: Type the alias instead of the command fullname
- Example:
is an alias forGet-ChildItem
- Example:
The following two commands are equivalent (man
is an alias for Get-Help
, cat
is an alias for Get-Content
Get-Help Get-Content
# use aliases
man cat
Get and read Help
You can learn about the command summary and usage with the “Get-Help ” command. PowerShell commands have comprehensive help, so just reading them is a good way to learn PowerShell.
- How to use “Get-Help
Get-Help <Name>
Get-Help <Name> -Online
- The
option displays the information on the web in a browser
- The
Get-Help Get-Content
Get-Content [-Path] <string[]>...
Get-Content -LiteralPath <string[]>...
Get-Help cannot find the Help files for this cmdlet on this computer.
It is displaying only partial help.
-- To download and install Help files for the module that includes
this cmdlet, use Update-Help.
-- To view the Help topic for this cmdlet online, type: "Get-Help
Get-Content -Online" or
go to https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=2096490.
Searching the Command
You can search for commands with “Get-Command .”
- How to use “Get-Command
Get-Command *
: Get all types of commandsGet-Command Get-*
: Get commands that includeGet-
Get-Command *-Content
: Get commands that include-Content
Knowing that the PowerShell command naming conventions are structured as “<verb>-<noun>
” allows you to go some way to predicting whether commands exist, even if you don’t know them. You can also specify and search explicitly with -Noun
or -Verb
# Search for commands that include "Content" in <noun>
Get-Command -Noun "Content"
CommandType Name Version
----------- ---- -------
Cmdlet Add-Content 7.0.0…
Cmdlet Clear-Content 7.0.0…
Cmdlet Get-Content 7.0.0…
Cmdlet Set-Content 7.0.0…
Daily Command Operations
For me, daily computer operations involve working with the filesystem (files and directories). The following shows the workflow with the corresponding commands. The same operations can be done visually using Explorer and mouse clicks, without using the CLI (command line interface).
Operation | Command (Alias) |
1. Move directories | cd , pushd , popd |
2. List files in a directory | ls |
3. Open, create, move, copy, delete, rename files | ii , mkdir , ni , mv , cp , rm , ren |
4. Edit, save, and close files | through the appropriate application |
Examples of actual operations. Using aliases, TAB completion, and command history to reduce input work:
Operation | Command |
1. List files in a directory ( → As a result, the file we were looking for was not found. 😢) |
ls path/to/the/directory |
2. List files in another directory ( → As a result, we find the file we want. 🙄) |
ls path/to/the/another/directory |
3. Move to the directory | pushd path/to/the/another/directory |
4. Open the file | ii file.xlsx |
5. Edit, save, and close the file | through the appropriate application |
6. Return to the previous directory | popd |
Each command is explained in detail below. For more detailed information, run man <command> -Online
The ii
command (an alias for Invoke-Item
) is particularly useful. When you run ii <file>
, the file will be opened by the appropriate application based on its extension.
Once you are familiar with the ii
command, you will be able to operate frequently used folders and files without having to move from the current directory:
Operation | Command |
1. Open the file (or directory) | ii path/to/file.xlsx |
2. Edit, save, and close the file | through the appropriate application |
ls (Get-ChildItem )
Synopsis: Lists the files and folders in the current directory.
Param | Command | Note |
Help | man ls -Online
Example | ls |
Lists file and folder information in the current directory. |
Example | ls -Name |
Displays only file and folder names in the current directory. |
Example | ls *.txt |
Lists files named *.txt . |
Example | ls *.txt -Recurse |
Lists files named *.txt and recursively searches subdirectories. |
Example | Get-ChildItem | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName | Gets the full path of files and directories in the current directory as strings. |
→ Back : Daily Command Operations Table
cd (Set-Location )
Synopsis: Moves to the specified directory.
Param | Command | Note |
Help | man cd -Online
Example | cd , cd ~ |
Moves to the home directory. |
Example | cd C:/Users/btklab/ |
Absolute path: Moves to the home directory of user btklab . |
Example | cd ./ |
Relative path: Stays in the current directory (does not move). |
Example | cd ../ |
Relative path: Moves to the parent directory. |
Example | cd - |
Moves back to the previous directory. |
→ Back : Daily Command Operations Table
pushd (Push-Location )
Synopsis: Adds the current location to the location stack and moves to the specified directory. By using pushd
followed by popd
, you can return to the current location (the location registered at the top of the stack).
Param | Command | Note |
Help | man pushd -Online
Example | cd ~ ; pushd C:/Users/ |
Absolute path: Moves from the home directory to the Users directory. |
Example | popd |
Moves back to the home directory (the location before the Users directory). |
→ Back : Daily Command Operations Table
popd (Pop-Location )
Synopsis: Returns to the last location pushed onto the stack by pushd
Param | Command | Note |
Help | man popd -Online
Example | cd ~ ; pushd C:/Users/ |
Absolute path: Moves from the home directory to the Users directory. |
Example | popd |
Moves back to the home directory (the location before the Users directory). |
→ Back : Daily Command Operations Table
ii (Invoke-Item )
Synopsis: Opens files or folders with the associated application.
Param | Command | Note |
Help | man ii -Online
Example | ii . |
Opens the current directory in the explorer. |
Example | ii a.txt |
Opens the file a.txt in the text editor. |
Example | ii a.xlsx |
Opens the file a.xlsx in Excel. |
- Tips
- There is a similar command called
. Both opena.txt
in a text editor: Invoke-Item "C:/path/to/file.txt"
Start-Process "notepad.exe" "C:/path/to/file.txt"
- Use Invoke-Item to easily open files or folders.
- Use Start-Process when you want to launch a specific application with specific arguments.
→ Back : Daily Command Operations Table
mkdir (New-Item )
Synopsis: Creates a new directory (folder).
Param | Command | Note |
Help | man mkdir -Online
Example | mkdir "newdir" |
Creates a new directory newdir in the current directory. |
Example | New-Item -Path . -Name "newdir" -ItemType "directory" |
Same as above. |
→ Back : Daily Command Operations Table
ni (New-Item )
Synopsis: Creates a new directory or file.
Param | Command | Note |
Help | man ni -Online
Example | ni -Path . -Name "a.txt" -ItemType "file" |
Creates an empty file a.txt in the current directory. |
Example | New-Item -Path . -Name "a.txt" -ItemType "file" |
Same as above. |
→ Back : Daily Command Operations Table
mv (Move-Item )
Synopsis: Moves or renames a file or folder. Adding the -WhatIf
switch allows you to confirm the operation without actually executing it.
Param | Command | Note |
Help | man mv -Online
Example | mv C:/a.txt E:/Temp/b.txt |
Renames the file a.txt and moves it from the C: drive to the E:/Temp directory, changing its name to b.txt . |
Example | mv -Path C:/a.txt -Destination E:/Temp/b.txt |
Same as above. |
Example | ls a.txt | mv -Destination E:/Temp/ | Moves the file a.txt from the current directory to the E:/Temp directory. In this case, explicitly specify the -Destination option. |
cp (Copy-Item )
Synopsis: Copies files or folders. The original file is not deleted. By adding the -WhatIf
switch, you can verify the action without executing it.
Param | Command | Note |
Help | man cp -Online
Example | cp ./a.txt ../hoge |
File copy: Copies the file a.txt from the current directory to the directory hoge one level up. |
Example | cp -Path ./a.txt -Destination ../hoge |
Same as above. |
Example | cp -Path "C:/hoge" -Destination "C:/fuga" -Recurse |
Directory copy: Copies the directory C:/hoge and its contents to the directory C:/fuga . |
Example | ls a.txt | cp -Destination E:/Temp/ | Copies the file a.txt from the current directory to the E:/Temp directory. In this case, explicitly use the -Destination option. An error is returned if the item does not exist. |
→ Back : Table of everyday command operations
rm (Remove-Item )
Synopsis: Deletes files or directories. If the specified item does not exist, it returns an error and does not execute. Note that deleted items are not moved to the “Recycle Bin” and cannot be restored. By adding the -WhatIf
switch, you can verify the action without executing it.
Param | Command | Note |
Help | man rm -Online
Example | rm a.txt |
Deletes the file a.txt from the current directory. |
Example | ls a.txt | rm | Same as above. |
Example | Remove-Item -Path a.txt |
Same as above. |
Example | rm *.txt |
Deletes one or more files with the .txt extension from the current directory. |
Example | ls *.cache -Recurse | rm | Deletes one or more files with the .cache extension from the current directory and subdirectories. |
Example | Remove-Item a.md -WhatIf |
Dry run: The result is output to the console without actually executing it. |
→ Back : Table of everyday command operations
ren (Rename-Item )
Synopsis: Renames files or folders. By adding the -WhatIf
switch, you can verify the action without executing it.
Param | Command | Note |
Help | man ren -Online
Example | ren "./a.txt" "b.txt" |
File rename: Renames the file a.txt in the current directory to b.txt . |
Example | ren -Path "./a.txt" -NewName "b.txt" |
Same as above. |
Example | Rename-Item -Path "./a.txt" -NewName "b.txt" |
Same as above. |
Example | Get-ChildItem *.txt | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name -replace ‘.txt’,’.log’ } | Batch rename of multiple files: Renames the extension of files with the .txt extension in the current directory to .log . |
→ Back : Table of everyday command operations
- PowerShell Commands
In the world of PowerShell, “the command” are referred to as “the cmdlet.” Knowing that the cmdlet follow the naming convention of
can help you (to some extent) predict the existence of unknown commands.
- About
- PowerShell Commands
- Microsoft.Learn – Get-History
- Microsoft.Learn – Get-Help
- Microsoft.Learn – Get-Command
- Microsoft.Learn – Get-Alias
- Microsoft.Learn – Get-Date
- Microsoft.Learn – Get-Content
- Microsoft.Learn – Set-Location
- Microsoft.Learn – Push-Location
- Microsoft.Learn – Pop-Location
- Microsoft.Learn – Invoke-Item
- Microsoft.Learn – New-Item
- Microsoft.Learn – Move-Item
- Microsoft.Learn – Copy-Item
- Microsoft.Learn – Remove-Item
- Microsoft.Learn – Rename-Item